Monday, April 27, 2009


my friend will be having some teeth removed soon and will be having falsies in . she's worried that they will not stay in place. they will be lower front and upper front. . about 6 teeth on each plate. she so wants to be able to smile again with out having to worry about hiding behind her hand.

she's had gum trouble and bad fitting crowns which is why she has been advised to have dentures.

should she go private or nhs, or get the first ones on nhs then go private. theres not much difference in the cost..

You make it sound like she is getting partials, not dentures b/c you say she is only getting front teeth replaced. Partials are held in place by clasps so they do not move around like dentures. If they get loose, you just ask your dentist to tighten the clasps. If she is getting real dentures, they fit well on the top, but often are loose on the bottom without adhesives. Maybe later she could save up the money and consider mini implants. Small implants that can be placed to hold the dentures down. It only takes a couple so it is not as expensive as getting regular implants. They can use your existing dentures.
Reply:I would think they would do implants for the front teeth. I just got 5 of them and they are great.
Reply:She might want to consider getting a couple implants and then have false teeth attached to them. I've seen where you can get like 4 implants for the total top and bottom. My dentist said he was doing a woman and she needed like 5 implants on top and 6 on the bottom. I think these are the best option, but are pricey. My dentist told me that the lady who I described above was paying the price of a mercedes.
Reply:These are called partials %26amp; they have clasp so stay pretty well. She will have difficulty talking for a little while!! Doc W


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