Monday, April 27, 2009

I have medicaid live in michigan need dentures am worried?

i need teeth pulled loads of pain is there a difference in detures if medicaid pays? What kind do they pay for?how long will i be toothless? what kind of meds will they give me? does medicaid pay for relines?which are better soft or hard dentures?how much blood will i lose? do they stitch the gums closed?Im so scared !Does anyone know a good medicaid dentist that does dentures?should i go to dentist or dentist with denture lab onsite?do i need soft liner, i heard dentures need to be replaced like every 7 years i cant afford that does medicaid pay for replacements?any tips for pain or anything?i have allergies and asthma and lung problem i dont think i can have gas ..thanks

I have medicaid live in michigan need dentures am worried?
I can't answer any of the Medicaid-related questions, but I'm sure that if you visit the Medicaid Web site, they'll have answers about them. Or you can find their telephone number and call them with your questions. The representative should be able to answer most, if not all, of them for you.

How long will you be toothless? Depends on how the dentist does things. Some will do an immediate denture, which goes into your mouth right after your teeth are extracted. This helps reduce swelling - and the dentist will adjust the dentures as your gums heal and change.

Other dentists want to pull the teeth, then give your gums a chance to heal before they put in your dentures. This can be a few weeks, but it's not forever.

What kind of meds will they give you? Most dentists will prescribe antibiotics, to make sure that nothing gets infected. You might also get painkillers. My dentist is a big fan of Hydrocodone, but you might get something else.

How much blood will you lose? That depends on your genetic makeup, really. Some people lose more blood than others. But the dentist will do everything that s/he can to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.

Do they stitch the gums closed? Yeah...if you have that many extractions at once, they sort of have to give you sutures. My dentist uses silk, not dissolving, sutures, so you have to return after about 10 days so that he can take them out. But that's a good chance for the dentist to take a look inside your mouth and make sure that the healing process is on track.

Dentist or dentist with denture lab on site? doesn't really matter, because the dentures are going to take some time to make either way.

Denture replacement? Yeah, you do need to have a new set made periodically. But having a replacement set made *should* be cheaper than the initial set because the dentist doesn't have to extract any teeth.

Tips for pain: the only part of extractions that hurts is getting the nerve-blocking shots. Those aren't too bad, though. Just close your eyes and think of something that doesn't suck. Your mouth will go numb quickly after the shots, so what little pain you do feel will go away before you know it.

And there will be some soreness and such afterward, sure. But you'll have some type of pain killer to help you with that.
Reply:Go through the phone book and see if any of them advertise that they accept Medicaid.


Call the Medicaid office tomorrow and ask them if they have a provider list


Try going online Michigan Medicaid

I live in Florida and they have an online site for their Medicaid recipients.

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