Monday, November 16, 2009

How much will dentures cost?

im going to get all my teeth pulled, they give me major problems everyday, and im wondering how much the dentures will cost.. i have medical insurance but i dont think it will cover dentures..

How much will dentures cost?
In Austrlia and upper can denture cost around $3000. I suppose you might get them cheaper or more expensive depending where you are.
Reply:I got a full set when I was 15 for about $400.00, but that didn't include pulling the teeth I had left. I had all my teeth pulled first, then got the dentures about 10 months later. That was over 10 years ago now tho, so the price probly went up some. I still say it was the best thing I ever done cuz my teeth gave me trouble all the time. No problems since I had them all pulled out tho. Hope it works out that way for you too.
Reply:We don't have dental coverage either, but my mom found a place kinda near us in PA where they run about $500.00. She's lookin into maybe gettin me a set from there. I had all my teeth out last year cuz some were bad and I had gum problems and I actually lost some of my front teeth. That was when I was still 15, I'm 16 now. I guess prices are different depending on where you live.


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