Thursday, November 12, 2009

Should newly extracted teeth be immedialtely replaced with dentures or should there be a healing period?

All my teeth are soon to be extracted to be replaced with complete upper and lower dentures. Is it wise to install the replacement dentures immediately after the extractions before the gums heal as suggested by the dentist or should the replacements occur several months later after the gums heal. The plan is to use state of the art dentures and not the new dental implants which are beyond financial possibility. Wouldn't the new dentures which will not be precisely fitted or "tuned in" interfere with gum healing?

Should newly extracted teeth be immedialtely replaced with dentures or should there be a healing period?
The dentist will (should) allow time for healing and shrinkage. Unless there are some new developments I don't know about if you have temps made right now, you will have to be refitted for new fittings later when your gums shrink after healing (and you do have to eat). My wife had to have almost all of her teeth removed after a very bad accident and had to have a series of dentures made over a period of time as her gums kept changing over time.
Reply:I let my gums heal for a couple of weeks or so - until all the stitches where gone. Then I got my new teeth (dentures - upper and lower). While you are toothless, here's some suggestions. Baby food is good! Grind up all real food in a food processor, gravy works great for blending too. Don't hide in your house because you have no teeth. Sure some people may have thought I was odd, but most people thought it was pretty cool that I had the guts to go toothless. I even had an interview and got the job with no teeth! After a while your dentures will start to feel loose. You can try the Sea Bond and other products like that, but I prefer Cushion Grip. It's like a temporary filler that you put in your dentures so they fit more snug, but not like a paste that glues your dentures to your gums. Eating certain food may hurt a little for the first little while, until your gums toughen up, but no worries, it'll come. Oh, and if you ever experience a strawberry seed getting stuck under your dentures - wow! They're so small, but it feels like you have a sharp rock under your teeth!! Having had real teeth go bad and then going to dentures - I wouldn't trade them back for anything. (Also, eating an Aero bar with no teeth - you can experience the bubbles like no one with teeth can, lol)
Reply:For me I wouldn't do that. I will have the gum healed first before I put on a new dentures. After extraction, about a month or two your gum will shrink and the new dentures will not fit anymore.Don't believe your dentist. He or she is just making sure that he or she will be the one who will make your dentures. I have two front teeth extracted and fitted at once a denture then what happen, after six months I have it replaced.
Reply:There are acouple kinds of ways to do this.

You can have immediate dentures that go in right after the teeth are extracted....eventually ur gums will shrink and you will need a reline and later an new set.........for the first day like 24hrs you'll need to keep the dentures in your mouth because your gums will swell and if you take them out you won't be able to get them back in till it goes down and with them in it only swells to the denture


you get them extracted and wait two to three weeks till all swelling is down and go thru the process of making new dentures



tryin of wax with teeth in wax(this way the dr can move the teeth or change size/color/shape) this will feel like the denture already but with pink wax, it may be slightly loose but they will tighten up when made in acrylic and processed.

(there are also different shades they can make your gums on the denture to match your oen gum shade)

The dentures will then go to be processed and you will get them and hopefully you will only need some minor adjustments, which should be included in the price

you hopefully won't need any type of paste....dont use the pads for the grip like sea bond or the others they are so gross and keep in all the bacteria and bad breath they are cannot make dentures before the extractions then pick them up 3weeks to a month later they will not fit right and you will have to get relines to take up the extra shrinkage space.

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